What is the future of the Office

Jun 23, 2020 eye icon273

What is the future of the office? With some companies discussing rotation of departments in the office over several days or weekly, are offices about to share a demise that retail has experienced over the last years?

Covid-19 may not be the last pestilence that the world or nations experience. The name allows for later annual recurrances. So how much will businesses seek to cut their property requirement on exposure to similar future risks?

Fewer want to travel cross country or countries to see clients on a regular basis when a video app covers most situations. Likewise with the unreliability, crush and possible contagion of public transport how many will ask for more than Friday to work from home?

The mobile phone and email has ensured that no-one is on holiday, away from the office or too ill. With video apps and task lists will companies have the confidence that staff can work together as a team whether they are in the office or at home?

Maybe this is an opportunity for Serviced Offices, but this is a significant 'unprecedented situation' for traditional offices, and of course the industries that serve them and retail in city centres.



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Buildings make a statement on their own, but if we harmonise them with the created world they bring a joy to the soul with benefit to the tenant, the public and the owner.